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关于”和家人过春节的感受“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The feeling of spending the Spring Festival with my family。以下是关于和家人过春节的感受的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The feeling of spending the Spring Festival with my family

Do you know spring festival is a traditional festival in China? We celebrate the Spring Festival in many ways in the Chinese lunar calendar. This is another calendar we use. It originated in old China.

Spring Festival is the first day of the lunar calendar. It is different every year because we play the lunar calendar. On the day of Spring Festival, we must go home to meet our parents and grandparents.

The school will also have a holiday to ensure that we can celebrate. If we encounter some problems that we can't come back, we should call our family members and seek tradition. We eat dumplings the day before the Spring Festival.

People in southern China will eat dumplings. This is the most important day, because it is the last day of the year, and next year, fireworks are so noisy that we can't hear each other's voice. All in all, it is quite different from the new year in other western countries.

It is a very important day for all Chinese people.





My brother and sister and I went out to set off fireworks. My brother turned on the lighter, lit the fuse, and listened to the sound of "being a father", a dragon directly hit the sky, and a beautiful "Chrysanthemum" opened. They were colorful.

They turned red, yellow, green, and purple. Some splashed like peacocks, some splashed like fireworks.




Oh, to be brief, this year's new year's day. When I return to my husband's house, I give everything to Starwood. I go to bed at 30 feet every day.

I get ready after getting up early and enjoy the little things in the future. We sit there and watch TV, but my daughter's play is not so easy to do. I appreciate the so-called "pig life" because I love her idea My husband's father is a man who doesn't love sports.

He usually sits in front of the TV in the ordinary days. But when we come back these days, they often argue about who can do my favorite meal. My mother said to me, your father is not an easy way to others, he is really the most special to you.

He thinks that you will have an impact on children. Every day, he will give you what you like The idea of eating has made ah Qin (ah Qin for my sister) not enjoy the fact. I always feel that my mother is talking.

Time flies, and I am silently moved by tears. She is inlaid with the Buddhist dharma of my practice, and how happy my life was in the past. In today's simple new year's day, it seems that I haven't grown up yet.

Maybe it's me In the bottom of my heart, I will never grow up.




标签: 高分 八年级 作文 家人 年级

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