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关于”快节奏的社会产生原因“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Causes of fast-paced society。以下是关于快节奏的社会产生原因的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Causes of fast-paced society

Now, our life is getting better and better. At the same time, we must speed up our work so that we have more time to do more things. We will feel more tired, but we can learn more and become more prominent.

When we finish our work and go home, we will feel that material life will be more precious.




In today's increasingly competitive society, people's pace of life is getting faster and faster. More and more urban residents, under the great pressure of rapid life, are hard to adapt to the fast-paced life. They feel that they have more sense of time urgency and urgency "fast rhythm syndrome" than ever before, which has a negative impact on their psychology and physiology.

It is true that the progressive life has brought us some negative effects, but in my opinion, it has not made us victims. In fact, many people seem to prefer fast-paced life to hanging out in the slow lane to some extent. The progressive life reflects the progress and civilization of modern society.

A faster lifestyle promotes the progress of technology, which is conducive to our work , study and life have a great role in promoting. I think the key to the problem is our attitude towards life. Good management can help us deal with faster life first and most of the time.

We should slow down the pace of life by adjusting our perspective, learn to reduce our pressure and burden. We should arrange our life reasonably, learn to relax and enjoy ourselves in a rhythmic way, and adjust ourselves is good for our physical and mental health, and we should keep everything open in our life If we can adjust our rhythm, we will live a happier and faster life.





There are a few things you might want to know about living a stressful pace of life. First of all, a rural holiday always amazes you. When you see people living in the country, you can't help but say to yourself, my God, I must be a little more efficient than them.

The illusory feeling of being superior should not make anyone happy. And you're more competitive in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Dodging bullets is an absolutely admirable skill.

The intense rhythm of life will undoubtedly make you a skilled dancer on important occasions. If you die, nothing is more important than survival, nothing will last, but equally important is that speed is very fast, you can boast to your friends, your girlfriend never complains to you, and does not show outstanding masculinity in bed, bringing an old supermodel into a political mess, because Berlusconi doesn't It may bring a little admiration and no chance to anyone on earth.





标签: 考研 作文 原因 满分 社会

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