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关于”写一天课程“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Write a one-day course。以下是关于写一天课程的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write a one-day course

I have a lot of things to do on my weekend. I get up early in the morning and exercise with my grandparents in the park. My mother takes me to do some interesting things.

We can read books in the library, go shopping in the shops, and play badminton in the garden. We will have a big dinner in KFC. I like it very much in the evening.

I will prepare to go to school, take a bath and go to bed early. How happy I am.





Today is / / I have two classes in the morning. The first class is English, the second class is mathematics. We have four classes.

The first is biology, the second is politics, the third is physical education, and the last is mathematics. After a little while, the school will be over. We go home happily in these classes.

Politics is my favorite class, because the teacher is very interesting.




Today is Tuesday. It's a busy day for me. I have four classes in the morning, which are Chinese, mathematics, English and art.

I will have an hour's lunch break: in the afternoon, I will have another four classes. I will have a history class first, then a physical education class. I will finally have a biology class.

I will have another mathematics class about the time I leave school: today is Tuesday, which is a busy day for me. I have four classes in the morning, which are Chinese, mathematics, English and art Class. I had an hour lunch break in the afternoon: I had four more classes, first history, then physical education (physical education, then physical education, finally biology, and finally mathematics, about the time I left school).




标签: 七年级 作文 年级 满分 课程

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