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关于”特殊的东西“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Something special。以下是关于特殊的东西的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Something special

As we all know, Guangxi is famous for its rich and colorful culture. Due to the large number of ethnic minorities in recent years, the local government has implemented the "three three" rest policy, which makes it a special day for Guangxi people to enjoy some programs with local characteristics, such as singing local songs, Dragon and lion dances. It not only makes people relax from their daily work, but also makes them relax People remember their culture.

I'm part of the local people, and I'm proud that different cultures make our country attractive.




My city is famous for making Chinese knots. If you visit my city, you will find that there are different shapes of Chinese knots everywhere every year. We manufacture and sell Chinese knots to people at home and abroad.

Because Chinese knots are made of silk, usually bright colors, especially red, will be circled. After several times of turning around, Chinese characters, flowers, animals, etc. Chinese knots are very popular at all ages, especially for young women.

They are used as ornaments. They are very special because they symbolize Good luck and life full of hope if you want to buy the most beautiful Chinese knot, welcome to my city.




Mr. and Mr. sweisen lived in a big city.

One summer they went to the countryside for a holiday. They liked it very much because it was a quiet and clean place. One day, when they went out for a walk early in the morning, they saw an old man living on a farm.

He was sitting alone in the warm sunshine in front of the house. Mr. Wilson asked him, "do you like living in such a quiet place?" The old man replied, "yes, I like it" ‰ Mr.

Wilson said, "what's the advantage of this?"; the old man replied, "everyone knows that everyone comes to see me often, I often visit them, there are many children here" ‰ Mr. Wilson said, "that's interesting, what's the bad about it" ‰ the old man thought for a while and said, "well, the same thing, really.".




标签: 考研 英文 作文 万能 东西

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