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关于”喜欢的活动“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Favorite activities。以下是关于喜欢的活动的初中英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favorite activities

I like all kinds of activities, from active and wild activities such as camping, sports meetings and parties to quiet activities. For example, I like reading and watching TV outdoors, taking part in sports and doing some bold things. For example, some friends and I used to travel along a wild river on a raft.

We spent a week in dangerous water I'm a member of our university football team. I like to do some adventurous things, such as skiing, motorcycle riding and mountain climbing, but I don't do them very often, and I'm very careful. I also like to be with my friends.

I'm usually invited to a party at least once a week. If I don't, I'll arrange one myself Even if I had the chance, I would either go out to dinner or go dancing with my friends. By contrast, I like to do a lot of quiet personal things.

I spend a whole day reading books and occasionally stay up late to read a good novel. I like to watch light TV programs on relaxed nights. In other words, I like to do different things, depending on my mood and the people around me.




I like all kinds of activities, such as camping, sports and parties, as well as quiet activities, such as reading books and watching TV. I like outdoor activities, participate in sports activities, do some bold things. For example, I was traveling on a raft on a wild river with a few friends.

We spent a week sailing in dangerous currents, camping at night, cooking by ourselves, and having a good time. I was a member of our university football team and I also liked to do some adventurous things, such as snow skiing, motorcycle riding and mountain climbing, but I didn't do it very often, and I was very careful. I also like to have fun with my friends Friends together.

If I don't, I'll usually be invited to at least one party a week, and then I'll arrange one myself. Even if it's very casual, I'll either go out to dinner or dance with my friends, and there are many quiet private things I like to do. I spend a whole day reading books and occasionally stay up late for a good novel.

I like to spend one I like to do different things, depending on my mood and the people around me.





My favorite activity is playing badminton, which is a simple sport that everyone can play. You can use a badminton racket, a badminton and a net. This game can be played by two or four people.

Badminton must not fall on the ground, otherwise you will lose. The game can be played indoors or outdoors, so even if it rains, you can play this sport. I like this sport very much because it keeps me healthy.




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