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关于”你应该告诉他们养宠物的好处“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:You should tell them the benefits of keeping pets。以下是关于你应该告诉他们养宠物的好处的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:You should tell them the benefits of keeping pets

The disadvantages of keeping pets many people like to have an anniversary, such as dogs, cats, birds, etc. their enthusiasm for them is so high that some pets are treated as family members. The good relationship between people and pets is very comfortable.

They are your loyal audience. When you have something that you can't tell others, you will feel lonely, cure your pain, let the anxious heart return to calm and pure. Some pets can even help cure some mental diseases, which is the benefit of keeping pets.

However, pets are often very expensive, and even more money will be spent on pets. There are so many people starving in this country. Some dangerous pets are a threat to their owners.

Sometimes dogs will attack people. If they carry some fatal virus, the situation may be worse. This is the disadvantage of keeping pets.




The advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets are our friends. They are very cute and interesting. We need to feed and clean our pets.

When we keep pets for the elderly, we can learn to take responsibility. Pets are very important pets. Staying with them can make them no longer lonely.

Sometimes pets can even save human lives. Pets can be dirty and dangerous. They may bite people and make us sick.

Sometimes pets can make us spend a lot of money.




Many people like to keep an animal as a pet, such as dog, cat, bird and so on. Their enthusiasm for them is so high that some pets are treated as their family members. The good relationship between people and pets is very comfortable.

They are your loyal audience. When you have something that you can't tell others, you will feel lonely, cure your pain, let the anxious heart return to calm and pure. Some pets can even help treat some mental diseases, which is the benefit of keeping pets.

However, pets are often very expensive, and even more money will be spent on pets. There are so many people starving in this country. Some dangerous pets are a threat to their owners.

Sometimes dogs will attack people. If they carry some fatal virus, the situation may be worse. This is the disadvantage of keeping pets.




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