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关于”一见钟情“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:fall in love at first sight。以下是关于一见钟情的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:fall in love at first sight

Do you believe love at first sight is true? Or is it just the subject of fantasy and hyperactive imagination? Is it possible to fall in love with someone all of a sudden? It's an old question, so far there's no exact answer. Love at first sight happens in movies and novels, but can it happen in real life? Seeing a person at the first sight means you are attracted by him at the first sight. It's this attraction that draws you to that person and tells you to go out and get to know him at a deeper level because of romance, Falling in love at first sight is a kind of magic that makes everything irrelevant.

When compared with the person who catches your fantasy, does it really happen? In Victor Hugo's les miserables, Simpson first met Maggie Simpson and fell in love with her. Marius pontemassi and Cosette did the same thing after looking at each other. The problem is that these are fictional works, and they have not enough evidence to prove that it really happened, but this is possible.

On the one hand, love at first sight may happen, because The order of events determines that you must first be attracted to someone, and to some extent, be interested in someone before you pursue a deeper emotion, such as love. It is possible to fall in love at first sight, but this love may not be as deep as you are already in love, and you already know this person. Some people even tend to correct this line and think that love at first sight is a more appropriate description, which leads to another part of the debate, that is, love at first sight may not be possible Because if you want to really love a person, you must be able to see through his character.

You need to understand him in a deeper level, so that you can judge whether he can make you happy from this angle. It is impossible to fall in love at first sight.




Love at first sight I fell in love at first sight, not at first sight. John fell in love with her in a hurry at first sight. Soon cold Jim and Mary fell in love at first sight.

Joan took Paul to Paul as soon as they met. In a word, love at first sight was hot and soon cold. Carl and Betty fell in love at first sight.




Recently, Prince Harry announced his engagement to an American actress. The media asked him when he decided to let this girl be his lifelong partner. He said that when he first met her, love at first sight sounded romantic.

Many young people think that the first feeling of another person is really important, because when many old people think that love at first sight does not exist, it always decides Whether they can become husband and wife in the future, because they need to know the charm of another person in a relationship. A good first impression can bring passion and love, but it can't maintain a lifelong relationship. The way of getting along and the tolerance of both sides are the key factors that determine whether a couple can survive.




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