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关于”春考的类型“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Types of spring exams。以下是关于春考的类型的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Types of spring exams

John Harrison has a job that must be the most wanted in the United States. He is one of the best-selling brands in the United States, edys Harrison taste buds, the official taster of grand ice cream, has a $1 million insurance policy. When he doesn't, he goes to supermarkets all over the country to buy edys, so that he can check out the perfect appearance and texture.

After I interviewed Harrison, I realized that the life of ice cream tasters is not all his invention of a taste, which, by the way, is extremely hard This requires discipline and selflessness, because there is one thing he can't swallow like a coffee taster. Harrison spits it out with a gold spoon to avoid the taste getting worse. He takes a small bite, turns it around in his mouth, introduces it to all the taste buds, and then he gently inhales to let the fragrance flow from behind his nose.

Each step helps Harrison assess whether the ice cream is very good Good dairy products, a balance of sweetness, and three flavors of ice cream are added. Even if he puts the ice cream in a trash can because he is full, he can't judge whether the taste is good or not during the working day. Harrison tells me that he has to make other sacrifices: no onion, garlic or spicy food, no caffeine, caffeine will hinder the taste buds, so, His breakfast is a cup of herbal tea.

Harrison's family has run the ice cream business this way or another way for four generations, so Harrison has been using this tea all his life. But he never lost his love for ice cream because of its cool, creamy sweetness. In contrast, he eats a quart a week.

In the United States, ordinary people eat a quart (liter) of ice cream and other frozen dairy products every year. There are dozens of flavors of edys ice cream, so trained ice cream tasters in the United States prefer vanilla. In fact, vanilla is the best-selling variety in the United States.


约翰·哈里森有一份在美国一定是最想得到的工作,他是美国最畅销品牌之一Edys Grand冰淇淋的官方品酒师Harrison味蕾的保险金额为100万美元,当他不这么做的时候,他会去各地的超市买Edys,这样他就能检查出完美的外观和质地,在我采访了哈里森之后,我意识到冰淇淋品尝者的生活并不全是他发明的一种口味,顺便说一句,这是一种极其艰苦的工作,这需要纪律和无私,因为有一件事他不能像咖啡品酒师一样咽下,哈里森用金勺吐出来,以避免味道变差,他咬了一小口,把它在嘴里转来转去,把它介绍给所有的味蕾,然后他轻轻地吸气,让香味从鼻后流出来,每一步都帮助哈里森评估冰淇淋是否有很好的奶制品、甜度的平衡,并添加了冰淇淋的三种风味成分,即使他把冰淇淋放进一个垃圾桶里,因为肚子饱了,无法在工作日内判断口味的好坏,哈里森告诉我,他还必须做出其他牺牲:没有洋葱、大蒜或辛辣食物,没有咖啡因咖啡因咖啡因会阻碍味蕾,因此,他的早餐是一杯凉茶。哈里森一家四代人都以这种方式或另一种方式经营冰淇淋生意,因此哈里森一生都在用这种茶。但是,他从来没有因为冰激凌的清凉、奶油般的甜味而失去对它的爱。



2:,In my opinion, success means the brilliant achievements we have made in our work. That is to say, no matter what we do, make outstanding contributions to the development of our country and bring help and happiness to others, that is success. First of all, we should have a clear long-term goal in our life.

We should have different short-term goals. We know that it is these short-term goals that make our long-term goals possible. Second, we should persevere and work hard.

No matter what we do, there are always two possible abilities: success and failure.





3:春考的类型,There are so many people around me. Among them, I like my father best. My father is a hero in my heart.

When I have questions, he can answer me and tell me something about them. My father also took me to many places, such as Shanghai and Beijing. I am very happy when I am with my father.

He is the best father.




标签: 高二 作文 满分 类型

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