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关于”我的早餐“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:My breakfast。以下是关于我的早餐的小学英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My breakfast

My favorite breakfast is English, including cereal, milk, bread, butter, bacon and some jam. Maybe sandwich is also my favorite breakfast. One of the advantages of English breakfast is that it provides a variety of food and is very large, which gives you a lot of energy to continue your work and study in the new day.

People always say that your breakfast should be like a king's breakfast The right breakfast gives you most of your energy. Yes.




Today, the younger generation like to stay up late, because after a day's work, they will find fun in the evening, so they go home very late and then get up very late. Also because they wake up too late, they will ignore breakfast and wait for lunch. Today, people will call brunch, which means eating between breakfast and lunch.

In fact, not eating breakfast is harmful to our health and our health If we don't eat food all night, we need to take some nutrition in the morning so that the body can have the energy to work. Think about it. How can a machine without electricity work normally? Breakfast is electricity.

Because breakfast is very important, we must take it on time, so that our body can work normally and keep healthy.




Early in the morning, before I go to school, I need to have breakfast. My mother pays special attention to my breakfast. She tells me to keep a balanced diet so that my body will be stronger and taller.

I drink milk and lay an egg. Sometimes I eat porridge because of my mother. Now I am in good health.




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