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关于”我感觉什么的一天“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:What do I feel like a day。以下是关于我感觉什么的一天的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:What do I feel like a day

Today is a happy day. I got up early. I had a good breakfast.

Then I went out to play with my friends. In the afternoon, we had a good time. I went swimming with my father.

It was very hot, but we felt good in the water. After dinner, I started to do my homework. I didn't find it difficult, so I finished it early.

I read some books and went to bed early.




Loneliness and loneliness, in fact, is a state of loneliness completely different from others. It is normal to often feel lonely or isolated. Too much loneliness may be unhealthy or even dangerous.

Many studies have linked excessive and persistent loneliness and loneliness with depression, mental illness, and even physical problems, such as insomnia, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease. The good news is that loneliness is when you feel lonely, you need to do something to fight against and overcome the situation, which will make you feel healthier, more harmonious and less lonely.




Success is not easy to talk about, because the word success itself has hundreds of definitions. Some people are power, some people are wealth, some people are reputation or great achievements. But I have my own understanding of success.

Success means doing your best. In my opinion, success means victory, which means that whether you are in a long-distance race, whether you will win or not, as long as you run as fast as you can, you will succeed, although you may be the last person to pass the finish line, because you have shown others your best state, you have done your best to become a winner. Success means working hard does not No one can succeed because he spent many years writing a Book The Communist Manifesto.

Thomas Edison succeeded because he has tried thousands of times and found the best lighting material for every success. If you want to succeed, you must first strive to succeed. Success means that no one will always be the winner He is doing experiments.

Sometimes his lab is on fire and almost killed. But he never loses heart and works hard. Finally, he invents a new explosive, so when you fail or encounter any difficulties, you can easily fall down When it's hard, just believe in yourself, stand up and give it a heavy blow.




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