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关于”充足的睡眠“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Adequate sleep。以下是关于充足的睡眠的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Adequate sleep

When it comes to sleep, people have different opinions. Some people think that we should sleep as much as possible to keep our consciousness. Some people think that we should not sleep too much because long sleep can make people fall asleep.

In my opinion, proper sleep not only can make us energetic, but also can make us energetic. First of all, we should have enough sleep. Work can make us energetic and tiring.

Therefore, adequate sleep helps people recover from fatigue; second, adequate sleep can avoid disease. According to research, people with insomnia are more likely to get sick than those who get enough sleep. Enough sleep is good for our brain.

According to researchers in the United States and France, sharp fluctuations in the brain responsible for enhancing memory occur only when people go into deep sleep. If we get enough sleep, our memory will improve and we can learn more effectively. Adequate sleep makes us energetic, beneficial to our mind, and helps us avoid illness.

Therefore, people should have enough sleep.





Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon for young people to stay up late. Some people are addicted to computer games. Some people go out to play with their friends.

Lack of sleep not only makes them inefficient, but also damages their health. Lack of sleep often occurs among young people. Most of them want to catch up on weekends, but even if I do, it will hurt their bodies.

Because I am used to the irregular lifestyle of staying up late to play computer games or watching TV series in the middle of the night after a week, I find my skin is getting black and I have some freckles, so I decided to give up staying up late and keep up with my feet After a few days of sleep, my skin is getting better and I have the energy to study. Sleep can also keep us young. Look at those who look young in old age.

The secret is to keep a healthy lifestyle and get enough sleep is an important way. Don't think you are young and have the energy to stay up late. One day, you have to pay for it.





It's important for students to get enough sleep. Although sleep is important for students' sleep, your eyes are closed, your body is not active, and your brain is not aware that anxiety may be caused by lack of sleep. It's important to keep working on people or things that have a significant impact.




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