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关于”有关陪读“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:About accompanying reading。以下是关于有关陪读的小升初英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About accompanying reading

Crow and Swan a crow saw a swan and wanted to get the same beautiful feather for himself. Suppose the swan's brilliant white was washed out in the water he was swimming in. The crow left the nearby altar, and he lived in the lake and pond.

But he often cleaned his feathers, but could not change the color of the feathers. Because of the lack of food, he disappeared Change cannot change nature.




Dear editor, I am writing this letter to tell you about our recent discussion on whether parents should accompany us to school. We have different views on this matter. Most people think that parents should not accompany us to school, because this will make us form the habit of dependence, so that we will not develop a good habit of learning, and the habit of controlling ourselves is harmful to us It affects our parents' work, study and rest, and some of my classmates think it is necessary for our parents to accompany us to school, so that we can have more time.

In addition, with their care, we will be more healthy. On the other hand, parents can help us set goals, urge us to complete tasks, encourage us to overcome difficulties and develop good habits of learning.




I have seen the wind, but I can feel that it has never been as quiet as people feel when I work. The calmest wind is the breeze when the wind is stronger. It doesn't mean rest, but a storm comes in the hot summer.

I like to sit in a place with a sunny day. When autumn comes, the breeze gently blows my face, and the wind gets stronger and stronger. Sometimes the wind is very naughty, No He knocked on the window and opened my book.

The wind in winter seems to be in the worst mood. She blew people's hats off. She said that the wind was useless.

I could hear her voice even in spring, no matter how cold, how hot, how violent, how happy, it seemed to have an end, but the wind was not willing to be tamed, perhaps because of this, the universe controlled it so tightly.




标签: 小升初 作文 万能

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