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关于”有关爱因斯坦“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:About Einstein。以下是关于有关爱因斯坦的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:About Einstein

Einstein's contribution to physics began with three main achievements: explaining Brownian motion with molecules; explaining photoelectric effect with quantum and special relativity; developing from Einstein to general relativity, linking time and space, energy and matter, a more accurate gravitational theory than Newton, which became the basis of theoretical cosmology, and refuted quantum theory with probability in the s Einstein contributed to the theoretical basis of the teleportation of photons (Einstein called "remote ghost action") in his efforts to explain the failure. The last major effort was to unify electromagnetism and gravity into a unified field theory, which is still an active problem in Physics: Einstein, Albert theoretical physicist, born in Ulm, however, Einstein's letter to President Franklin Roosevelt urging the United States to develop the atomic bomb led to Einstein's own Manhattan plan. He did not play any role in this cause.

He won the Nobel Prize for physics for his exposition of quantum theory: Einstein's scientific work from this point was devoted to creating a system One's field theory connects electromagnetism and light. Although he could not realize such a theory, other scientists also claimed that it was impossible. He insisted on his own unique obstinacy.

During World War II, he consulted the Manhattan plan for the Navy. This action was against his pacifism. However, due to the threat of war, this action seemed essential at that time.




Albert Einstein is regarded as the greatest scientist of the century and one of the greatest scientists in history. His discoveries and theories have exerted great influence on many fields of science. Born in Ulm, Germany, as a child, Einstein was slow to learn to speak, but in his later childhood, he showed great curiosity about nature and the ability to solve mathematical problems.

After he left school, he went to Switzerland, where he graduated from university with a degree in mathematics. Einstein began to publish a series of papers, which shocked the entire scientific and intellectual circles. He established his theory in the paper that won the Nobel Prize in physics in.

Einstein was a Jew. When Hitler took over Germany in, he had to leave the country and finally settled in the United States. He continued to study the structure of the universe until his death.

Einstein wrote in his book There are several important discoveries about life, the greatest of which is the creation of his famous relativity Ulm,.





People can find meaning in life. Although it is short-term and dangerous, only by dedicating oneself to society can people have a dedicated society and discover that it is in fact a short-term and dangerous meaning of life. Einstein said: "only by dedicating to society can we recognize those people who are at short-term risk and the meaning of life.".




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