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关于”最喜欢的运动“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Favorite sport。以下是关于最喜欢的运动的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Favorite sport

Table tennis is China's traditional sports activities, has a long history of development, by our people's attention, over the years, table tennis has improved our country's position in the world, now there are many excellent athletes in the national team, if they participate in the competition, the first goal is to be completed by them. There is no doubt that everyone supports our team and their performance. I believe our team can continue to play a more important role in the future.




I am an active young student. I like sports. I like playing volleyball.

This is my favorite sport. I go to play volleyball with my friends every day. More exercise is good for our health.

Many people ask why I like playing volleyball. I say it can make me happy and make me grow longer. If you like to exercise, you can give me a strong body.

I like baseball because it can make me happy Because it's an attractive activity, it's a sport that benefits people of all ages. We can exercise, have fun and learn new skills while playing baseball. Basketball is good for people, so I love baseball.




Playing basketball my favorite sport is playing basketball. My favorite sport is playing basketball. I like to run on the court with my friends.

It really makes me happy. I forget my troubles when playing basketball. I have to focus all my attention on the ball.

I always think of how to defend other people's attack quickly. Once I shoot the ball into the basket and play, I will be very excited in the next few days I'll think about it all the time. For me, playing basketball is really a very interesting sport.




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