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关于”一百字“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:One hundred words。以下是关于一百字的高一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One hundred words

No matter how difficult the situation is, we should not lose heart, because we have dreams, our dreams are always glorious, we also have the enthusiasm to realize the dreams, but we must have the will to work hard, because if we work hard, some miracles will happen, without our efforts, there will be no good results. When we are not happy, we can think about it Our dream, so that when we fail, we will be more enthusiastic. We should stand up and say, "I am not a loser." please remember, "anything can be a person with firm determination.".




My favorite season four seasons accompany us and make our life interesting. Summer is under the warm sunshine. Everyone is very happy.

Autumn is the harvest season. In winter, white snowflakes decorate the bare land and trees. But when I was a child, what fascinated me most was the vitality of spring.

My favorite season was winter, but one thing changed my mind When I was a child, I liked to play in the garden and climb trees, but one day I realized that my favorite tree had begun to shed leaves. In winter, its branches were bare. I thought it was dead.

When my father knew why I was crying, he told me: this tree has not left you, it is just resting. I promise that in three months, that tree will be better than before More beautiful. I believe what my father said.

After waiting for three months, sure enough, when the time came, the tree was greener and taller than before. The buds began to stretch. Their heads rushed out of the melting snow, and the stream began to flow freely.

Spring became my favorite season of the year, because its vitality brought me happiness.




A happy time. On the National Day weekend, I went to Florida. I went there by car with Ji Hong, Liu Zhenguo and Pan Yi.

It was very interesting. We went to ocean world, Universal Studios and the beach. In the ocean world, we see many performances of marine animals, dolphins, manatees, sea lions and whales.

They are all dancing, splashing white water on the audience. The whales are very naughty. They make half of the people in the stadium drenched.

The shark stadium is very big. People just stand in the glass tube and are surrounded by all kinds of sharks. They open their mouths as if they are going to swallow us or with us We talk about who knows where studio universe is.

Hollywood movies make it really interesting for you to ride in movies. Just like you did in back to the future, we went through time tunnels, through voices, dinosaurs and all kinds of planets. It's so real, it's so scary that everyone is so excited that our car hits a dinosaur.

"Big mouth" is all high-tech. we go to see how horror movies are made. I'm chosen to show this effect.

I'm too scared, not too funny. I don't like horror movies. We go to the beach and see the sea for the first time.

I appreciate her vastness and the great sun The rest of her light into the sea, the sea quietly, tolerant lying there all of it.




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