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关于”难度也大大提高“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The difficulty is also greatly improved。以下是关于难度也大大提高的初二英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The difficulty is also greatly improved

Alexander the great made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation. The doctor was a little angry and said, "you don't seem to be making rapid progress on this issue. You seem to lack ambition.

Why did Alexander conquer half the world at your age? Yes, Landon can't help, because you will remember the fact that Alexander the great had Aristotle as a teacher.




When you are old, when you are old, gray, sleepy, and nodding by the fire, take this book down and read it slowly, dreaming that your eyes used to be gentle, dreaming of your shadow, how many people love your happy and elegant moments, your beauty, your hypocrisy or reality, but only one person loves your pilgrim soul, loves your sad face, and loves you in the world Bending over the glowing bars, whispered a little sadly, everydon paced the hill overhead, hiding his face among the stars.




Forgetting that we are the presence of light at this time, many of us are reawakening the truth of who we are because we live in such large-scale changes in the world that we need to be exposed to this light in order not only to survive, but also to prosper as the changes around us move rapidly into a new order of consciousness, and we will want to believe me We are no longer living in a predictable world where we can trust outside authorities and preconceived ideas of reality to guide us, and we need to be able to access it.




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