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关于”绩效面谈“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Performance interview。以下是关于绩效面谈的专业英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Performance interview

Nelson Fredrik, kald Magnus, recent performance progress management: Nordic cases, European Journal of management, volume: (question: altley David management control and performance management: where does it come from? British Accounting Review: Volume: (issue: bradrup), H performance management background a rolstadas (ED personality) M anagement:a business process benchmarking approach london:chapman&hall ,a,martin j eppler,oliver sukowski managing team knowledge:core Processs Tools and enabling factors European Management Journal, Vos Vos (PP Lebas, michelj performance measurement and Background of performance management, International Journal of production economics, Vol: (issue: guzzo R & Dickson M team in Organizations: the latest research on performance and effectiveness Kichuk, five personality factors and team performance: the impact on successful product design teams: Journal of engineering technology management, Hackman, Jr (ED group work (and those that don't work): conditions for effective teams: San Francisco: josi bass, Mary cjones, Ellison W. Harrison research project team performance: experience evaluation, information and management:.


尼尔森·弗雷德里克(Nilsson Fredrik),卡尔德·马格努斯(Kald Magnus)近期绩效进展管理:北欧案例欧洲管理杂志,卷:卷:(问题:奥特利大卫管理控制和绩效m管理:从何而来《英国会计评论》卷:卷:(期:布雷德鲁普),h绩效管理背景a rolstadas(ed perpormance management:a business process benchmarking approach london:chapman&hall,a,martin j eppler,oliver sukowski managing team knowledge:core Processs tools and enabling factors european management journal,vos vos(编号:pp Lebas,MichelJ performance measurement and performance)绩效管理的背景管理国际生产经济学杂志,卷:卷:(期:guzzo r,&dickson m团队在组织中:绩效和有效性的最新研究心理学年度评论:susan l kichuk,五大人格因素和团队绩效:对成功的产品设计团队的影响:工程技术管理杂志,HACKMAN,JR(ED组工作(和那些不工作):有效团队的条件:旧金山:Josi-Bass,玛丽CJONES,埃里森W哈里森研究项目团队绩效:经验评估信息与管理:。






In recent years, with the development of market economy, the demand for all kinds of employees is increasing, and the importance of interview is also increasing. The key to successful job hunting is to prepare for the interview. I think there are three aspects that should be paid attention to by job seekers.

First of all, job seekers should pay attention to interview skills, including language, posture and preparation, including their understanding of the company and job requirements 2、 He must have the right personality, which includes motivation and attitude towards the job he wants to get. Motivation determines a candidate's real desire for the job. Third, qualifications, such as skills, job interviews need training and experience.

In short, these will help job seekers to get a job successfully. In short, if you are not prepared for an interview, you won't get a good job. But you can't emphasize it too much, that is, if you don't have self-confidence, can you do a good job.





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