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关于”各个单元“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Each unit。以下是关于各个单元的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Each unit

My sister and I went to Shanghai this holiday. My sister just graduated. She wanted to find a job in Shanghai.

My uncle lived in Shanghai. So we went to many interesting places on the first day, including the Bund and Huangpu Park. In the next few days, we were helping my sister find a job.

We saw a lot of advertisements in the newspaper. My sister couldn't find her first job because They said she was too young, and then we got lost and couldn't find a second company. We had maps, but the city was too big, so we had to ask for help.

Finally we found a second company. The boss talked to my sister and asked her to wait for their decision at home. After a month, we went home.

My sister couldn't find a job in Shanghai because she didn't have enough knowledge or she didn't have enough experience. We knew that if we wanted to make a successful life, we would We must work hard and acquire a lot of knowledge.




I have encountered some problems in learning English. I can't remember the speed of English works. I dare not speak English in front of my classmates.

I can't hear clearly. But with the help of my teacher, I have made great progress. I read English every morning and try to remember at least ten new works.

I often listen to tapes and then read them. I also like listening to English programs and watching English movies. I try my best to speak clearly and loudly in class.

Little by little I become confident and like learning English. Now my English is very good.




Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. From late January to early February, it is the most important festival in China. Chinese people are busy preparing for the new year.

They clean their houses, have their hair cut, buy new clothes. Dumplings or dumplings are the most popular. Those who are far away from their homes are also a fragile time for reunion.

They often go home to celebrate the new year with their families. The first day of the new year is when people visit their friends and wish each other good luck in the new year.




标签: 八年级 作文 年级 满分 范文

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