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关于”介绍洛杉矶“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Introduce Los Angeles。以下是关于介绍洛杉矶的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce Los Angeles

Los Angeles, a city in Southern California, is the most populous city in the state and the second most populous city and metropolitan area in the United States. It is located on the Pacific coast and close to the border between the United States and Mexico. This metropolis is famous for its pleasant climate and beautiful environment.

It is located on a hilly coastal plain, surrounded in the west by beaches and mountains and deserts in other directions. Los Angeles is a major industry and commerce. The financial center of the United States is famous for its film, aviation and aerospace industries.

This cosmopolitan and multicultural city is also the largest city in Mexico, South Korea and El Salvador. In addition to these countries, the population of Guatemalan has grown at an alarming rate since the end of the s. It is the major city in California and the most important metropolis west of the Mississippi River.





The Los Angeles Lakers are a team of the National Basketball Association (NBA), headquartered in Los Angeles, California. The Los Angeles Clippers and the king of Los Angeles (NHL) share the home game at Staples Center. After beating Boston Celtics in Game 4 of the NBA Finals, the Los Angeles spark of the Los Angeles Lakers became the NBA champion.

The victory in the finals gave the Lakers their fourth championship. In NBA history, the second most valuable NBA team, after Celtics, became the second most valuable NBA team with a million dollar franchise. Starting with the acquisition of a disbanded team, NBL's Detroit gems began to play in Minneapolis, Minnesota, calling themselves the Laker team, in memory of the nickname of the state "Land of the lake.".

Driven by center George mican, the Lakers won five championships in Minneapolis, which was called the league's "first superstar" by the official website of the NBA. After Mikan retired in the late 1960s, they moved to Los Angeles before - season.





Los Angeles Angel City, the Pearl of the west coast of the United States, is located in Los Angeles, Southern California (Los Angeles) on the west coast of the United States. It is the second largest city in the United States after New York. With its revolving scenery and the style of a big city, it integrates prosperity and tranquility into one.

It is a beautiful and bright scenic line on the west coast of the United States, coastal city 380 As of July 12, Los Angeles is on the verge of the vast Pacific coast of San Pedro Bay and Santa Monica Bay, with an area of 8010567 square kilometers, including Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County as a part of Ventura County, as well as Beverly Hills, Pasadena, long beach and other large and small towns, With a total area of 841549 square kilometers, it is located in the city surrounded by mountains. In addition to some hills, the sea and open basin has a flat surface with an average altitude of meters and a peak height of 1217 meters. The annual sunshine is 74 ℃, and the climate is dry and pleasant.

The average temperature is around centigrade in January, and the annual precipitation is only millimeter. Winter rain is the main reason.


美国西海岸的明珠洛杉矶天使城洛杉矶位于美国西海岸南加州洛杉矶(洛杉矶),是仅次于纽约的美国第二大城市,以其旋转的景色,大城市的风格,集繁华和宁谧为一体,是美国西海岸边一道美丽明亮的风景线海滨城市380 200771人口约万(截至xx月xx日,洛杉矶濒临浩瀚的太平洋沿岸圣佩德罗湾和圣莫尼卡湾,海岸线以茂盛的圣加布里埃尔山区为后盾,面积达8010567平方公里,包括洛杉矶县、奥兰治、,文图拉县作为文图拉县的一部分,以及比佛利山、帕萨迪纳、长滩等多个大小城镇,总面积841549平方公里,位于城市四面环山之中,而海上、开阔的盆地,除局部为丘陵外,地表平坦,平均海拔米,最高峰高1217米,全年日照74℃,气候干燥宜人,平均气温在摄氏度左右,xx月份平均气温为摄氏度,年降水量仅为毫米,以冬雨为主。


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