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关于”校服“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:school uniform。以下是关于校服的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:school uniform

When I went to primary school, my teacher told us to wear school uniform. At first, I didn't want to wear it, because the uniform looked strange, but when I saw other students wearing it, they looked cool, so I began to like to wear my school uniform. Now the uniform is like my label, people will know where I come from.




In my opinion, almost all junior high school students and senior high school students wear school uniforms, which has attracted more and more attention. However, students and parents are always dissatisfied with the evaluation of school uniform, rather than recommending that we do not want to wear school uniform. The real reason is that the school uniform is old-fashioned and its color is too dark.

In addition, the school uniform is very expensive, but the quality is poor. We are willing to wear school uniform, but I am willing to wear it We only hope that the style of school uniform is our favorite and suitable for us.




School uniform has many uses in our life. Our students wear school uniform in order to show good discipline. I think they can even make us study harder.

School uniform is cheaper than casual clothes. Fashionable clothes are too expensive. So I think we should not wear school uniform in school.

Students wear school uniform is a school rule we must abide by.




标签: 高中 小学 高分 作文

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