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关于”以低碳为主题“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Low carbon as the theme。以下是关于以低碳为主题的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Low carbon as the theme

As we all know, our environment is getting worse and worse. Low carbon life is more and more popular. Low carbon life is of great use to us.

It can help save energy and reduce pollution. It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide, the main cause of greenhouse effect. Therefore, we should first live a low-carbon life.

As students, we should go to school on foot instead of driving a car. It not only emits carbon dioxide, but also wastes energy. We'd better not Use plastic bags that will cause white pollution.

We should use eco bags. Third, planting trees is of great use. Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Finally, we should start with small things. Therefore, as students, we should turn off the lights at the moment we leave the classroom, turn off the timely development, reuse our textbooks and so on.





With regard to the prospect of global warming, we believe that the wolf came to the United Nations climate change conference this week in Copenhagen, Denmark. The ice sculpture polar bear was melted day after day. The crying Fijian girl's appeal under the cabinet meeting of Nepal, the remarkable Mount Qomolangma and the cabinet meeting of the Maldives will have a negative impact on Tuvalu, an island country due to rising sea level These scenes follow a variety of media quickly into everyone's sight.

At a critical moment, the Earth Defense War of human life and death is launched, which makes the logic of climate change simple and clear: excessive carbon dioxide emissions cause changes in the atmosphere, which affects the ability of the earth to absorb and reflect too much sunlight, resulting in greenhouse effects such as the rise of the average temperature of the earth and the rise of sea level , ecosystem damage, natural disasters, etc.




Everyone has friends. Friends are very important to everyone. I also have many good friends.

Let me tell you something about my friends. I went shopping with me last week. There were a lot of people who brought some things, such as hats, coats, shorts and so on.

We were very happy. My friends remember that my birthday was coming, so they bought a beautiful coat. I feel very happy that these are my friends.




标签: 英文 四年级 作文 主题 满分

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