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关于”考试经历“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Examination experience。以下是关于考试经历的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Examination experience

In an unforgettable test last Sunday, I took GRE, the longest test I've ever taken. I entered the examination room at eight and didn't come out until twelve. For the first hour I sat there anxiously waiting for the invigilator to hand out the papers.

Then the exam officially began. I didn't see anything except the test paper. I did one test after another.

I tried a lot of nipples earlier without my knowledge. But in none of the tests, I felt that the time was so limited. Usually after the examination, I had enough time to review what I had written.

I would sit there restlessly and wait for the end of the exam, and I would spend it It took more than 20 minutes to complete the two parts of mathematics at a much slower speed than usual. God bless me. I wish I had been careful enough this afternoon.

Someone came to talk to me about the exam. It made me wonder if I had written the number of the examination certificate on the answer sheet. I'm sure I was fined on the number, but I don't remember whether I circled the corresponding number under ITO event.

Maybe all my efforts were in vain. If I didn't get a score after such efforts, it would be terrible.






You know, English is a very important subject, because it is a foreign language, learning English is much more difficult than learning Chinese, but I know this is wrong, I will never forget that this is a Chinese test, because our clever Chinese teacher found out our attitude towards learning Chinese, she knew that she should make some changes, because it was very late at that time, so she sent a A special text message to remind us that the effect after the exam is very good, we all pay more attention to Chinese as our mother tongue, Chinese has a lot of things to learn.




From the beginning of entering the school, we can say "veteran" and now "good battlefield". The most unforgettable thing for the veterans is the English test in the second half of the fourth year. I finished the test paper in a few minutes, and several students did it inadvertently.

I glanced at the test paper on the table, and asked more about the second question. He read the test paper with different me: I got 26 points, I was the winner I am confident that for the sake of insurance, I asked several students who said that the election was "true" (I was a little surprised to see a friend on the railway track. I didn't believe it when I asked several students, and several students said it was "true".

As a result, I opposed to changing "false" into "true", a cross-section At the end of the test paper, the teacher was at the marking site. For me, a bright red word was in my sight. I quickly found the wrong place of the test paper and turned it to my face.

It was obviously higher than x. I lamented cheating. I didn't realize the joy of success, but I tasted the sadness and sadness of failure.

Maybe in this exam, I was only one step away from the edge of the exam Let me have a profound lesson, so I see that other people's answer is not the most correct, it is necessary to believe in themselves, believe in themselves.




标签: 翻译 四年级 作文 年级 满分

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