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关于”理想的父母“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Ideal parents。以下是关于理想的父母的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Ideal parents

My ideal parents my parents love me. They take me to many different places. We play together, sing and dance, and live a happy life.

Although there are some situations where we disagree with each other, they will not yell at me. On the contrary, they will listen to me patiently and guide me. My parents are my ideal parents.

They taught me how to cooperate and respect others, how to live a happy life, and I want to be a parent like me.




My parents and I live in an apartment. We have bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms and kitchens. The innermost room is my parents' bedroom.

There is a double bed between them and a big wardrobe next to them. The room opposite my parents' house is my bedroom. I have a single bed by the window.

I always like the sunshine in the afternoon. The other two bedrooms are used as study and guest room. We have a set of big sofa in the living room.

Sometimes I lie on the sofa and watch TV. Our dining room has a round table and four chairs. We often eat together in the dining room.

This is my home.




My ideal parents, my parents love each other, they take me to many different places, we play together, sing and dance, live a happy life, although there are some situations where we disagree with each other, they will not yell at me, they will listen to me patiently, guide my parents to be my ideal parents, they teach me how to cooperate with others and respect others, How to live a happy life, I want to be a parent like me.




标签: 中考 英文 作文 真题 父母

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