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关于”因什么而感谢某人“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Thank sb. For what。以下是关于因什么而感谢某人的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Thank sb. For what

Belong to someone belong to someone belong to Beijing I belong to me, not to one person today, but to everyone. When I was a child, so you only belong to me. I belong to you, belong to you, belong to me, belong to me, belong to time, belong to something https://picwensosocom/pqpic/wenwenpic/0/png/0.




Be friendly to people, friendly to get along with each other and get along with each other. New technology can increase agricultural production and be friendly to the environment. A greeting is a way to be friendly to someone.

Don't get your monkeys up. You should be friendly to them and get along well with social intelligence quotient. He tries to get along well with his classmates and is hostile to others.

He has met / met with a lot of hostility, criticism, friendliness and bitterness, which can easily be replaced by respect, sincerity and even friendship. The attitude towards daydreaming is the most common. Unfriendly attitude towards others is unfair to a person who has hurt him.




Dear, I'm very happy to attend your Christmas party. You gave me a good impression. When I walked into your house, the lights and decorations were hung on the ceiling and hung outside the window.

I felt warm and peaceful. Although I was not in my hometown, that night was beautiful, unforgettable, full of laughter and tears, happiness and reality. I hope we can see each other soon Thank you,.




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