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关于”一段生命“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A life。以下是关于一段生命的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A life

Ann: Good morning, EVA. Nice to meet you here. how are you? Ann: good.

Ann: I'm fine. Thank you. Let me introduce my friend EVA.

This is Kate. She's from America. Kate, I'm evaneva: Hello, Kate.

Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Where are you from? Kativa: I'm from Canada.

EVA: Well, before Canada became a great country, I really went to Canada with my parents. Katva: Yes, it's really great. America is my favorite country.

I'm glad to hear that Cartier: I swear I think you two can be good friends. How about going shopping together? Kate: goodwa and ampkat.






An unforgettable experience in my life, there are many experiences I can't forget. I still remember what happened last year. It was tree planting day.

As soon as we got to Lu Xun Park, we went to plant trees. We started to work. Some were digging holes, others were planting trees.

We all worked hard to plant more trees, because we all know that trees are the best anti pollution agent. They are very useful for human beings. When the sun goes down, we are very tired but reluctant to go home.

We feel very happy It is the first time that I have done something meaningful to protect the environment.




The education of children by single father and single mother is different. The influence of single father on the formation of children's personality will be punished by different single father education. When the single father family grows up, he has an easygoing personality to the children, which is easy to lead to violent behavior of single mother family.

The growth of children is often the mother's overprotection, too much interference and indulgence, leading to children The son's character is self abased, self willed and poor in adaptability. Sometimes this kind of character has the tendency of violence and the passion of violence. However, human beings are very complicated and we can't generalize them.




标签: 七年级 作文 真题 年级 美文

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