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关于”描写天气“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Describe the weather。以下是关于描写天气的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Describe the weather

There are four seasons in Shanghai. Spring is windy, summer is warm, summer is hot, and sometimes it rains heavily. Autumn is the best season of the year.

It is neither too cold nor too hot. It is cool. The sky is very blue and winter is very cold.

Sometimes the temperature can reach above minus centigrade.




It will be sunny next Monday. The highest temperature will be centigrade and the lowest temperature will be Fahrenheit. The weather will still be fine on Tuesday.

The highest temperature will be centigrade, and the lowest temperature will be centigrade. But there will be a little strong wind in Winston. The maximum temperature can reach Fahrenheit.

The lowest temperature will be colder and colder. It will be cloudy on Thursday, the highest temperature will be centigrade, and the lowest temperature will be Friday It will rain and the wind is strong, so it is best to wear warm clothes. The temperature is the highest and the temperature is the lowest on that day.




The southern region is dominated by tropical and subtropical monsoon climate. It is hot and rainy in summer, mild and little rain in winter. The annual high-temperature precipitation of tropical monsoon climate is more than mm, and the precipitation in the windward mountain area is more.

The huts in Taiwan are on fire because of "rain". Affected by the typhoon, the average annual precipitation in southern Yunnan, Taiwan, Hainan and other places is more than mm The average annual precipitation in Guangdong, Hainan and other places is more than mm. Taiwan is less affected by the cold wave.

In northern China, the climate is mainly temperate monsoon. It is characterized by four distinct seasons, warm and rainy in summer and cold and dry in winter. The annual precipitation in northern China is measured in millimeters.

The precipitation is mainly concentrated in a few months. There are more rainstorms. At this time, the river is in flood, and the Yihe River is flooded.

Spring rain occurs every year, Few droughts (severe in spring, more rain in summer).




标签: 高分 六年级 作文 天气 年级

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