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关于”和朋友之间“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Between and friends。以下是关于和朋友之间的四级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Between and friends

Teenagers are at a reasonable age. On the one hand, they are not mature enough. On the other hand, they are very optimistic.

They do not listen to their parents. They will violate their parents. Therefore, teenagers always quarrel with their parents.

This is very painful. Parents have to deal with this situation when they are teenagers. They want to pursue freedom.

They are in the age of pursuing individualism They want to show that they are mature enough. They can make their own decisions. As parents, they look at their children all their life.

They don't realize that their children are mature enough. So they always treat their children as children and make every decision for them. That's why conflicts happen.

The only way to solve conflicts is for them Parents understand each other, they must have the idea: children are growing up, they are no longer children, they should learn to let them leave teenagers, they should have a good talk with their parents, try to explain and show their courage, they should not be angry with their parents, to find a better way to solve the dispute, although the teenagers have reached the rational year Age, but there is always a way to find a way to resolve the dispute. A better understanding between parents and teenagers is the key.




Last Saturday, Tom and I went to the zoo. The weather was fine that morning. We decided to go to the zoo by bike.

It was environmentally friendly and convenient. Originally, we planned to follow the same pattern with the animals. Many zoo visitors, without cameras, began to rain in the afternoon.

The animals couldn't sleep with umbrellas. They were tired and hungry, so we had to go home.




It always seems difficult to live in this world, but we should make ourselves happy in such a short life. Forgiveness is a virtue. It can help you become a bird flying in the sky.

Please keep a tolerant heart. I believe you can do it.




标签: 四级 高分 作文 满分 朋友

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