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关于”给父母洗脚“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Wash your parents' feet。以下是关于给父母洗脚的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Wash your parents' feet

After dinner yesterday, I said to my parents, "they were surprised and happy, but they didn't want me to do it at first. I told them that one of my school rules is my good, and we all love our parents. They work hard and tired every day, but some of us have never done so.

It makes us express our love to our parents. I like the rules.




Mother's love is true love. She has taken care of us since childhood. She has done many things for us.

So I want to do something for her to express my love. During this winter I decided to help her wash clothes. I collected dirty clothes according to colors.

I put the big into the washing machine, such as jeans, clothes, etc., put the lotion in, and when it started work, what I put on socks and underwear. Put it in a kettle. A few minutes later, I put some water and lotion on my clothes.

As time went on, I began to wash my clothes vigorously. I finally found the clean clothes. I was proud of myself.

At the same time, before I made up my mind to help her everyday, I knew how hard my mother worked..




标签: 高一 作文 满分 父母

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