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关于”对学生的建议“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Suggestions for students。以下是关于对学生的建议的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Suggestions for students

Nowadays, playing computer games is a common hobby, especially among young people and teenagers. However, there are many arguments about whether computer games are beneficial to people. Although many people doubt the advantages of computer games, if used properly, computer games can actually be used for educational purposes, such as typing games, so that students can learn to type English or Chinese.

Another advantage of computer games is that they can be played together among friends or family members, which can improve the relationship between family members and let parents know their children's hobbies and interests on the computer. If the game is abused, it will also have a very bad impact on human beings. First of all, staying in front of the computer screen for a long time will bring various health problems, such as eye pain and back pain And headaches; if people spend too much time on computer games instead of the jobs they should do, such as students' school work and projects and demonstrations for employees, it may have a negative impact on their real and social life.

If used properly, it is good for everything. Therefore, although it is generally believed that computer games are not good for people, they can still be used as a good tool if used properly.





Dear principal, I'm writing this article to you to give you some suggestions. I think our extracurricular activities are relatively few. I hope you can increase some.

Moreover, I also hope you can establish a network belonging to our school on the website, so that we can learn from each other. The above are my two suggestions. I hope you can read and improve in the future.




If you want to learn English, you must convey your interest in all kinds of cultural information. When you read or hear someone express deep thoughts, excitement and immediate memory in simple English, it shows that you are interested in language. Without this interest, it is very difficult to learn English based on language.

From the beginning, English emphasizes pronunciation and intonation, intonation and emphasis The pronunciation and pause are not perfect, but they are basically correct. Otherwise, they will affect listening and speaking. Therefore, the loss of communicative function of language lays the foundation for easy reading, which is very useful.

To read more first, we should read more numbers at least two times. We should repeat them and read them three times. Many problems of reading and printing can be imagined in the mind.

People can write books with a few crosses if we want to read more If you can master these expressions and how much they can express, you should try to memorize famous articles, such as the language or content of articles. This is the essential memory, the understanding of western culture, and the learning of the whole language.




标签: 英文 九年级 作文 真题 年级

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