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关于”考完试后心情“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:Mood after test。以下是关于考完试后心情的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Mood after test

To invite Rosa, I'm writing to invite you to the new year's party. The Spring Festival is coming. So this Sunday, the students will hold a new year's party in class.

As the monitor, I sincerely invite you to the party. The party will start in the afternoon. We really hope you can come.




A good mood is the wealth of our precious life. It makes you not give up the hope of life in despair. It makes you still suffer setbacks and fight against fate.

Good mood is a kind of strength. There are several ways to support us to go up. You can take pictures every day, such as the trees outside the window, the flowers on the roadside, and the weddings of children and friends in the neighborhood.

When you finish the photos irregularly, you will feel that all the details are good memories. Eat a big meal. Sometimes, it's amazing that you not only enjoy delicious food, but also make you feel yourself By special treatment, such as mountain climbing, picnics, parties, location, more activities, you will feel happy, to keep a good mood has a positive effect on the psychological, physical good mood can also let people not panic, it is very important for us, from now on, we should maintain a good mood, let it make us more confident, lively and happy.




Some students hold that listening is one of the four basic skills. Therefore, we can't ignore listening. Listening is one of our important channels.

International cooperation is more and more frequent. They believe that listening tests are unfair to students in areas where radio signals cannot be received. In fact, for some reasons, there are great differences between rural and urban teachers and equipment.




标签: 高考 英文 作文 心情 满分

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