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关于”喜欢体育的明星“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Sports stars。以下是关于喜欢体育的明星的初二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Sports stars

The Olympic Games are held every four years and many athletes are famous after the event. Many athletes began to appear on the screen and take part in TV programs. Some people think it's not good for athletes because it wastes their time to practice, while others think it actually helps athletes to earn money.

It is a trend for sports stars to be entertained. The traditional view is that athletes should stay away from the entertainment circle because it will distract their attention and make them lose their reputation. For an athlete, if he doesn't have time to practice, it's easy to fall behind others, which will ruin his whole career.

If athletes don't participate in TV programs and get more audience recognition, they will not be able to attract more sponsors and have enough income to support more practice. They also need money to improve their life. Many famous athletes participate in activities It can not only make money, but also make more people fall in love with sports.

The audience are very happy to see their heroes on the screen and know more about sports.





2:体育明星,Giggs is a Welsh football player with a quarter black gene. He chose Wales as his birthplace rather than England as his own country, which also means that he will not have the opportunity to participate in international competitions such as the European Cup, the world cup or the Olympic Games. This is his tenth year on the field.

The British team chose the old Welsh midfield as the captain of the British football team.




3:喜欢体育的明星,Michael Jordan: there are many great players in basketball. Some people's names can be heard all over the world, some people's names can be heard on every blue moon, but there is a name that you can hear wherever you go. Michael Jordan is a world-wide name, sometimes called mJ or air Jordan, but anyway, everyone knows that Jordan is the greatest player, he knows how to pass the ball to the world, but he is also famous for what he does off the court.

Let's see why everyone wants to be Mike's achievement. Michael Jordan is a person who never has to sit around and wonder what they have achieved in life, just like us As we all know, Jordan has set a record that hasn't been broken. He has done what people think is true.

For example, in May, Jordan became the first player in history to be selected into the NBA all defensive first team for nine times.


迈克尔·乔丹:篮球传奇简介篮球界有很多伟大的球员,有些人的名字在全世界都能听到,有些人的名字在每个蓝月亮上都能听到,但有一个名字,无论你去哪里都会听到,迈克尔·乔丹是一个世界性的名字,有时被称为MJ或Air Jordan,但不管怎样所有人都知道乔丹是最伟大的球员,他知道如何把球传给全世界,但他也以他在球场外所做的事情而闻名,让我们看看为什么每个人都想成为迈克的成就迈克尔·乔丹是一个永远不必坐视不理,想知道他们在生活中取得了什么成就的人,正如我们所知,乔丹创造了尚未被打破的纪录,他已经完成了人们认为是的事情例如,在xx月,乔丹成为历史上第一个9次入选NBA全防守一线队的球员。


标签: 初二 作文 万能 体育

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