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关于”介绍钟表时间“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduce clock time。以下是关于介绍钟表时间的八级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce clock time

Time, the longest time, I can't find it anymore. That's what I learned last semester. I spent too much time fooling around.

My grades began to decline. I finally realized that I had to do something. Now I have a new plan to use my time wisely.

I've put my alarm clock forward half an hour on the day I decide to record what I'm doing I had an opportunity. When I do this, a review of what I've done will give me some ideas on how to reschedule my time.




Lost time can't be found again. This is what I learned last semester very clearly. I spent too much time mixing together, and my grades began to decline.

I finally realized what had to be done. It's time to change. Now I've got a new plan to use my time wisely.

I've put my alarm clock forward half an hour. This day, I've decided to keep a record of what I've done. A review of what I've done as I do it will give me some ideas on how to reschedule my time.





Time is the most precious thing for people, because when I was a child, time is gone forever. My parents always told me to cherish time, but I seldom trust them, because I thought I was just a child and had plenty of time. But after middle school, I changed my view.

I had to spend some time studying after class I don't have much time to play, so I realize that time is precious and I should make a good plan for my life so that I can live a rich life.




标签: 八级 英文 高分 作文 介绍

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