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关于”一只小老鼠“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:A little mouse。以下是关于一只小老鼠的高三英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:A little mouse

Mice are small animals that many people hate mice because they steal human food. However, in my opinion, people do more experiments with mice. If there are no mice, more experiments can't be completed.

Therefore, people can't improve so quickly. Don't always catch mice. Sometimes, we should accept mice and accept this poor little animal.




(mice) mice are the animals that I fear most. They have fur, sharp claws and long tail, which are easy to hurt people. I hate mice.

Mice often hide in apartments and suddenly appear. One day, while I was sleeping in my room, a mouse ran past me and made some noises, as if he wanted to say hello to me later. I cleaned the room and found two or three small mice were very shocked.

Because the mice breed quickly, we set up mousetrap around the apartment to catch them. We also put poison in the corner of the apartment to kill them. Rats are disgusting.





An old woman had a cat. Now the cat is very old and can't run fast. She can't bite it.

The old cat saw the mouse jump up and caught it, but she couldn't bite it. The mouse ran out of its mouth. The old woman was very angry because the cat couldn't kill the mouse.

She began to hit the cat and said, "don't hit me. Be friendly to me when I was young. I've done a good job for you.".




标签: 高三 英文 高分 作文

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