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关于”写太湖“的英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:Write about Taihu Lake。以下是关于写太湖的考研英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Write about Taihu Lake

Taihu Lake, located at the junction of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and adjacent to the Yangtze River Delta in the south, is the largest lake in the coastal area of eastern China and the second largest freshwater lake in China. It is a famous scenic spot in the Taihu Plain. It is a large and shallow lake with beautiful lakes and mountains, beautiful scenery of Hunan, and natural beauty without carving.

The "beautiful Taihu Lake" is known as Wuxi landscape, and the garden has Suzhou Yixing cave is a famous tourist resort in the world. The beauty of Taihu Lake is very beautiful. There is an old saying in the water of Taihu Lake.

There is an old saying that there are mountains on the mountain and water on the water. But now there is no pure water in Taihu Lake. This is not too ironic.

But why can't Taihu Lake provide pure water? That's because a large area of blue-green algae broke out in Taihu Lake, which made the mother of Taihu Lake dirty and smelly. The water level of Taihu Lake was very low. In addition, the water level of Taihu Lake dropped again due to the recent drought.

It caused a large area of floating phenomenon, and all the dirt under the lake floated up, resulting in the change of tin free water quality, accompanied by an unpleasant smell. It is impossible for the public to use it normally, Wuxi people Buy pure water and bread one after another, which is caused by the drought. My friends, let's pay more attention to our mother in Taihu Lake and let her recover.




Taihu Lake in the south of the Yangtze River is separated from Taihu Lake in Zhejiang Province. The water level of the responsible Lake in Jiangsu Province is km, M. from south to km wide, there is a shallow plate of km wide on average.

The area of coastline from semi deep water lake to Lake area is calculated as square kilometers. In addition to island square kilometers, the annual decrease of the third largest freshwater lake in China, including two-thirds of the lakes in Wuxian County, is under the jurisdiction of Xishan town Taihu Lake covers an area of square kilometers.




Taihu Lake is located between Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Taihu Lake is the third largest freshwater lake in China, with a circumference of about km. It is surrounded by various mountain peaks.

There are small islands in the lake. The soul of Taihu Lake is located in Wuxi Taihu Lake scenic area. It is located in the North of Taihu Lake.

It is also an important part of the area. The most attractive place is Turtle Island, which is surrounded by water on three sides. There is a huge turtle on Turtle Island The main part of turtle head park is the natural scenery.

After entering the park, you can only see the flowers, trees and the scenery of Taihu Lake in the garden. However, after a long walk in the garden, the great Taihu Lake suddenly appears under the cover of dense plants. There are many rocks of different shapes and many others in the park Beautiful buildings are built in the trees, including Changchun Bridge (changlvqiao Feiyun) pavilions (Scud Pavilion, Jinsong Pavilion, Wanfang Pavilion, Guangfo temple, etc.) Taihu Lake, also known as Wuli Lake, is a pear garden.

They are named after the famous historical figure Fan Li. They live in spring and fall BC. Fan Li, a senior official of Yue, helped the king conquer the kingdom of Wu Later, they went boating with the beauty of Xizi to Wuli Lake.

In order to commemorate this, people changed the name of Lake Li to commemorate this point. The overall layout of Li Garden is divided into two parts: one is a rockery full of Taihu Lake rocks; the other is Qianbu corridor and dike; the other is long wall; the Qianbu corridor is next to Li Lake; the walls are inlaid with windows and some precious stone carvings. Other famous scenic spots in Wuxi Taihu Lake scenic area include Sanshan Park (Sanshan Park, Meiyuan, Xihui Park, tiantiantianwuquan, Recently, the chicken farm of Wuda Cultural Park has become a new tourist hot spot, attracting many tourists.




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