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关于”旅游的交通工具“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Transportation for Tourism。以下是关于旅游的交通工具的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Transportation for Tourism

If I go on a trip, I will ride a bike, because cycling saves money and electricity and avoids air pollution. Moreover, it has low cost and requires less space. I think cycling can exercise our body, and driving cars saves more time than riding bicycles.

But its cost is very high, it will cause air pollution, and it needs more space, so I think cycling is a better way to travel. If you have the opportunity to travel, choose to ride a bicycle.




This is my survey. Different people have different ways to go to school. In my class, many students go to school on foot, some students go to school by bus, and some students take your father's car to walk to school.

On the one hand, I can keep healthy, on the other hand, I can let my mother have a rest. How about you.




Although many technological advances have taken place in an evolutionary way, sometimes a revolutionary technology appears on the horizon, creating surprising new conditions and profound changes. This is the case with the privately developed Moller crane, which is named after its inventor and has obtained his permission. I would like to discuss the military potential of this kind of aircraft, which is being evaluated by the military The reinforced Moller crane is known as the light air multi-purpose aircraft, or LAMV (pronounced "lamvie)" "LAMV" ("lamvee") LAMV is a vertical take-off and landing aircraft, which can fly quickly and quietly Mannerit is a new type of aircraft, which combines the speed of the aircraft and the vertical take-off capability of the helicopter with some characteristics of the ground vehicle, but without any limitation of the existing transportation mode.

Unlike the traditional fixed wing or rotary wing aircraft, the LAMV has only two switching operators for guiding redundant computer-controlled rotation to select the required operating altitude, and then The rear movement reverses at the selected right-hand controlled climb rate to select the direction of the vehicle, and lateral movement to provide lateral (lateral) movement during hover and early transition to light operation. It can also move back and forth to control speed and braking. In short, LAMV is a user-friendly LAMV The LAMV in the future will be feet long, feet wide, feet high and weight.

The bondset will accommodate four passengers and a one pound payload (including fuel). The vehicle will have a maximum climb speed of feet per minute, a maximum flight speed of feet, a cruise speed of miles per hour, a cruise speed of miles per hour, and a passenger mileage of miles per gallon. The LAMV will also be sufficient Quiet, can be used as an acoustic "stealth" aircraft in fitter, it will have vertical take-off and landing capabilities and emergency fuselage parachutes, and can use a variety of fuels.


虽然许多技术进步都是以进化的方式发生的,但有时一项革命性的技术出现在地平线上,创造了令人吃惊的新条件和深刻的变化,私人开发的莫勒天车就是这样,它是以其发明人的名字命名的,并得到了他的许可,我想讨论一下这种飞行器的军事潜力,军方正在评估的加固型莫勒天车被称为轻型空中多用途飞行器,或lamv(发音为“lamvee)”“lamv”(“lamvee”)lamv是一种垂直起降飞机,可以快速、安静地飞行,agile mannerit是一种新型飞行器,它将飞机的速度和直升机的垂直起飞能力与地面车辆的某些特性相结合,但是没有任何现有运输方式的限制lamv不像传统的固定翼或旋转翼飞机那样操作,它只有两个切换操作器用于引导冗余的计算机控制旋转以选择所需的操作高度,并前后移动以选择右手控制的爬升速率扭转以选择车辆的方向,并横向移动以在悬停和早期转换至轻操作阶段提供横向(横向)移动。它还可以前后移动以控制速度和制动简单地说,lamv是用户友好的lamv lamv未来的lamv将是英尺长、英尺宽、英尺高和重量庞德赛特将容纳4名乘客和1磅的有效载荷(包括燃料)车辆的最大爬升速度为每分钟英尺,最高飞行速度为英尺,巡航速度为每小时英里每小时,巡航速度为每小时英里每小时,乘客里程数为英里每加仑lamv也将足够安静,可以作为一架声学“隐身”飞机在菲特,它将具有垂直起降能力和紧急机身降落伞,并且能够使用各种燃料。


标签: 八年级 作文 真题 交通 年级

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