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关于”我的风第小“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:My wind is the smallest。以下是关于我的风第小的小学英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My wind is the smallest

(wind) no one has seen the wind. I can feel it when I am working. It has never been as quiet as a person's.

The stronger the wind is, the stronger the wind will be. It doesn't mean rest, but a storm coming in the hot summer. I like to sit in a place with a sunny day.

When autumn comes, the breeze gently blows my face, and the wind is getting stronger and stronger. Sometimes the wind is very naughty, constantly knocking on the window and opening my books. The wind in winter seems to be in the worst mood.

She blew people's hats off. She said that the wind was useless. I could hear her voice even in spring, no matter how cold, how hot, how violent, how happy, it seemed to have an end, but the wind was not willing to be tamed, perhaps because of this, the universe controlled it so tightly.





No one has ever seen the wind, but I can feel it when I work. The calm wind is the wind. When the wind is stronger, it does not mean rest, but a storm close to the hot summer.

I like to sit in the windy place, the cool wind gently blows my face, when autumn comes, the wind becomes stronger, sometimes the wind is very naughty and keeps knocking Hit the window and open my book. The wind in winter seems to be in the worst mood. She blew off people's hats and said that the wind was meaningless, and I could hear her laughter and sigh even in spring.

However, no matter how cold, how hot, how violent, how happy, the wind seems to be coming to an end, but the wind is not willing to be tamed, perhaps because of this, the universe controls it so tightly.




I like the wind, like it to pursue its feeling, just like the gentle wind disappeared, the wind is bleak, the wind blows the warm breeze, feel the autumn wind of the world's fallen leaves, the autumn wind is bleak, the primitive creatures are also heavy deciduous fruits and wandering farmers are always busy, immersed in the joy of harvest, the autumn wind is bleak, the wind of harvest of life may be Life, life, maybe the wind, I love life, I love the wind.




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