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关于”天气活动以及感受“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Weather activities and feelings。以下是关于天气活动以及感受的高二英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Weather activities and feelings

In winter, the weather gets warmer, the temperature rises in early spring, and sometimes it snows. But in the warm sunshine of April, the snow melts quickly, sometimes there are showers, sometimes there are thunderstorms and thunderstorms. In spring, the thunder is loud.

We can go swimming, the flowers are blooming, we can go to the park and have a look. Then we can run, we can climb mountains, we can throw balls Lying on the grass, it'll be fun. I love spring.




English has become an international language, because it is used by most people in the world in the open era. If you want to do business with foreigners, you must learn English, because most of them speak and write English. English is one of the most valuable working languages in international conferences.

In order to improve your knowledge level, books are written in English. You should Only those who can read English can benefit from the report of the world conference. Books written in English seem to be the standard language of mankind.

If you know English, you can understand people from other countries better. You can do what you should do for world peace. Why should most students in our country not learn English well.




Time passed quickly, and spring came, so my family decided to go to the botanical garden. The sun is shining brightly. We go there by bus.

We saw a lot of flowers on the way to the garden. The garden is so beautiful that I can't even breathe. My father told me something about plants.

I know that flowers get energy from the sun. How wonderful they are. I also know that some trees have seeds that are easy to live in and even fly to a place where they can live by themselves.

But how to take care of them, we should put them in the sun and water them on time. I had a very happy day.






标签: 高二 作文 万能 天气

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