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关于”面馆“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Noodle shop。以下是关于面馆的初一英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Noodle shop

Before the official opening of "haomian restaurant", it was an international fanyila noodle restaurant. The noodles tasted good, and pork stuffing was added. In a pasta pot, the aroma was overflowing, attracting a large number of Jakes.

However, the noodle shop only opened for three hours, and people specially drove ten miles to eat his ready-made stuffing and soup crust. It was time for the Spring Festival to taste.




Philosophers rarely need money because they think that money can bring happiness is very limited. Just as Epicurus said: more money can't make money than happiness. Making money has reached a limited level.

This understanding is because they have another way to enjoy happiness. With heart, happiness is compared with spirit. The happiness brought by material can only be expressed as follows Therefore, saints have a common characteristic: on the one hand, when they see the material limit, the material can at least make them meet; on the other hand, because of the spiritual satisfaction, they are eager for happiness, and no matter how many materials they can meet.




Before the official opening of "haomian", it was an international fanyila noodle restaurant. The noodles tasted good. Pork stuffing was added to a pot of spaghetti, which attracted a large number of Jakes.

However, the noodle shop only opened for 3 hours, and people intentionally drove ten miles to eat his soup. I was going to taste it during the Spring Festival.




标签: 初一 高分 作文

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