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关于”旅行的坏处“的英语作文范文2篇,作文题目:The disadvantages of travel。以下是关于旅行的坏处的xx年级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The disadvantages of travel






Would you like to see the great wall of China's national park or the Harbour Bridge in Sydney or New York in the United States, would you prefer to go there by air or by train? Have you ever thought about one that's more economical, one more interesting on the road, and one safer. There are advantages and disadvantages of traveling abroad by air or train. If you carefully consider and arrange it, you will make your journey more wonderful and intelligent.

Efficiency, entertainment and safety are the differences between an airplane and a train. For a TNG, there is a big difference between the price and the travel time. The price of the train is usually stable and will not change during the peak season, but the price of the airplane is very good.

The price of buying an airplane is usually lower in the off-season. The earliest or the latest flight is more important. For example, if you want to go from Brisbane to Sydney, you can only It takes an hour and a half to get there, but it takes 14 hours to get there by train.

In addition, it's exciting to do whatever you want to do on the plane. You can choose to watch movies, play video games or listen to music for free on the plane, or you can use your laptop without fear of losing power. However, since electricity is also provided free of charge, when you travel on the ABC 1V train, you need to bring a radio or a game machine macne for entertainment.



对于一个tng来说,价格和旅行时间存在巨大差异火车的价格通常是稳定的,在旺季期间价格不会变化,但飞机的价格非常好购买飞机通常在淡季价格较低,最早或最晚的航班更重要的是,坐飞机比坐火车可以节省更多的时间例如,如果你想从布里斯班去悉尼,你只花一个半小时去那里,但是坐火车去那里意味着要花14个小时。另外,在飞机上做任何你想做的事都是令人兴奋的,你可以选择在飞机上免费看电影、玩电视游戏或听音乐,或者你可以使用你的笔记本电脑,不怕没电,但是,由于电力也是免费提供的,当您乘坐ABC 1v火车旅行时,您需要带上收音机或游戏机macne来自娱自乐。


Would you like to see the great wall of China, the Harbour Bridge in Sydney, or New York City in the United States? Would you prefer to go there by air or by train? Have you ever thought about which one is more economical, which is more interesting and which is safer. If you carefully consider and arrange the advantages and disadvantages of traveling abroad by air or train, you will make your journey more wonderful and intelligent. On the one hand, efficiency, entertainment and safety are one of the differences between an airplane and a train.

There are huge differences in price and travel time. The price of a train is usually stable. The price remains unchanged in the peak season, but the price of buying an airplane is very good.

In the off-season, there is usually a cheap price. The earliest or the latest flight is more important. Flying can save more time than taking the train For example, if you want to go from Brisbane to Sydney, it only takes you an hour and a half to get there, but it takes about 14 hours to get there by train.

Besides, it's exciting to do whatever you want to do on the plane. You can choose to watch movies, play video games or listen to music for free on the plane, or you can use a laptop without fear of running out of electricity. However, since electricity is also provided free of charge, you need to bring a radio or game machine to entertain yourself when traveling by train.

First of all, winter vacation travel has several advantages, you can appreciate the beauty of nature, it only appears in winter, like skiing or other winter sports. Secondly, these scenic spots are much more crowded than in summer, and there are some disadvantages. But the traffic is heavy and the crowd is crowded, which makes the travel very bad.

You have to wear more clothes to keep out the cold.





标签: 九年级 作文 真题 坏处 年级

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