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关于”挫折利弊“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Advantages and disadvantages of setbacks。以下是关于挫折利弊的六级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Advantages and disadvantages of setbacks

Everyone in life should face something we hate, or something we never want to face. So, how do we face the difficulties? Difficulties always happen, but don't be afraid of difficulties. Just smile and do what we are doing.

Smiling and crying is the best way for us to overcome difficulties. Never give up, strive for the sunshine of tomorrow. Believe in yourself and believe that tomorrow will be better.

You see, no matter what difficulties we face, we will smile, right? Earthquake, we are not afraid because of our smile; we are not afraid because of our smile; no matter what happens, we are always together; with a smile, we believe that everything can be conquered.





Failure if there is any factor in life that contributes to success, it is the ability to profit from failure. Every success I know is because this person can analyze failure and profit from failure in the next career. You are doomed to fail, because it is not failure that makes you lose, but you refuse to see the guidance and encouragement of success in failure.

Therefore, there is nothing shameful about failure. On the whole, let's face it.




It is generally believed that college students should be correctly guided to face the setbacks in life. Frustration is inevitable in our life. The truth of carrying out frustration education in Colleges and universities is profound and profound.

Many noteworthy examples provide a good example for this argument. Every year, more and more college students commit suicide when encountering setbacks, which shows that frustration should be strengthened Education is urgent. It seems that successful people are often good at coping with setbacks, and most college students are often angry and discouraged because of setbacks, rather than drawing lessons from the evidence provided.

We can draw a conclusion that frustration education is essential for college students, but it is worth noting that colleges and universities should provide psychological services for college students while carrying out frustration education 。 The conclusion is that college students should correctly guide them to the right path when facing life setbacks.




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