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关于”学生做家务好处“的英语作文模板2篇,作文题目:The benefits of students doing housework。以下是关于学生做家务好处的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The benefits of students doing housework

My favorite singer Zhang Jie is my favorite singer. Her English name is Jason. He is a student.

He was born in Sichuan on December 20. Most of his classmates like to listen to his songs and watch his dance. He realized that he had a talent for singing.

Most importantly, he liked singing. He first appeared on the stage when he was a college student. He was in "my style, my performance.".

He still won the first place in the end, but his life did not change much. He dreamed of buying a spacious and comfortable house for his parents. He took part in the "super boy" show with great pressure, but after that, more and more people knew him, and I became his model.

So far, he has four records, and soon he will set a new record last year. He finally bought a house for his parents. The reason why I admire him so much is that he sings very well, has a unique voice, is handsome and natural, sunny, is the best singer in my heart, he has many excellent qualities, he is a perfect man.






Different people have different living habits, so doing housework is very different. Some people like to make the bed, some like to cook, some like to sweep the floor, but some people don't like to do housework and just stay at home doing nothing. I always help my parents do housework.

I like doing housework because I think doing housework helps to cultivate my independence and teach me How to take care of yourself. Do you like doing housework.




Doing housework can help you develop your practical skills. You can communicate with your parents better while doing housework. You can train yourself by doing housework, and in the future, the skills you develop in doing housework will help you to be independent.

Doing housework can prevent your parents from spoiling you. You can work more effectively through your own efforts. Doing housework can make you more responsible for your family and more concerned about your parents.




标签: 六年级 作文 万能 好处 家务

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