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关于”介绍写作“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction writing。以下是关于介绍写作的雅思英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction writing

I caught 20 fish in two hours, but my brother's fish was more tired. We lay on the river bank to bask in the sun. We went home late.

I can't forget her. After her death, I felt as if there was something missing in my life. I felt sorry for her death, but I knew that she would not have any regrets.

For the love of our motherland, I have paid more sweat for our motherland, and I also for the motherland If we learn to do housework, everyone should learn to do housework. You don't agree that boys and girls let us do sports. It not only makes people happy, but also helps people learn to practice virtue, so that they can do their work better.

A sound mind and healthy body let us do it Let's go to sports. Mobile phones have greatly changed our lives. Mobile phones can connect to the Internet.

Advertising has a negative impact on all social advertisements. Exaggerating the function of products may mislead consumers.




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All dates are based on year a.




At present, it is difficult for college students to find jobs. Many people hold that university teachers should give priority to practical courses such as computer science and business rather than traditional courses such as history and geography Focus on practical courses such as computer science and business, rather than traditional courses like history and geography. For example, international tourism has become a big industry in the world.

The benefits outweigh the problems. With the acceleration of globalization and high-tech development, millions of foreign tourists pour into China to enjoy the scenery almost every year Before the early s of the s, the proportion of overseas tourism was quite low, most people preferred domestic tourism, and the emergence of motorized flight greatly changed our life and made international travel more convenient. International tourism is booming, and has become a huge industry example: the best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to raise the price of fuel.

Do you agree or disagree with industrialization and urbanization? The world is facing more and more environmental problems. From Mexico City, New York to Singapore, China is proposing, trying and implementing new solutions to this problem. Some people believe that raising fuel prices is the best way to solve this problem.




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