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关于”读经典的重要性“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:The importance of reading classics。以下是关于读经典的重要性的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of reading classics

Life is full of confusion and disorder at a specific time and place. By making thousands of arrangements in the brain, step by step, life is inevitably delicate and rigid. There is no enthusiasm, no surprise and pleasure.

Only by quietly asking yourself when the next happiness will come, can we ignite the responsibilities shared by us on our shoulders, like a piece of dust Earth cover, only afraid of light suddenly extinguished in the endless night, countless loneliness always insist on using iron spoon too cold, porcelain spoon too weak, a wooden spoon, carve good lines, carve the sky wasteland and joy, just like the happiness born in years, not arrogant, every move quietly blooming, hope is always more expected, bone is a chubby, many look clear and can be touched, but do not know Where is the destination? The wandering soul is only because the feet of love are too thin. The wild crane stands quietly in the river of memory, listening to the siren playing slowly. The long history of the boat is waiting for the boat people to wait one after another, but they are hesitant to get on which ship.

If they make a mistake, they have to put their hope on the next time. Finally, when there is no boat coming to the boat, the sun is setting The six character mantra dissolves the heart of each samsara bitter lotus. The gentle breeze on the side of the body keeps walking.

There is only a pool of water ripples but no language, guarding the happiness of this pool. This is the happiness from cradle to grave for a lifetime. It is so simple that in the palm of your hand, it is very difficult for a matching hand to grasp happiness.

In front of your heel, thousands of mountains and rivers are lost because of not looking back Believe, next time will be better, miss, never repair regret, even in the dream of shining God, never ask: "next time happiness, when will come".




Alexandra Dola.




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标签: 六年级 作文 真题 经典 范文

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