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关于”难忘的曾经“的英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:Unforgettable once。以下是关于难忘的曾经的高考英语范文,每篇作文均为满分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Unforgettable once

I want to go to Jiuzhaigou with my parents in summer vacation. My father is very strong. He took us to Huanglong Mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, we saw a beautiful scenery. The water flowed down from the mountain. There were more than 200 pools of sunlight on the hillside of the mountain.

The water in the pond twinkled like the stars in the sky. It was so beautiful. I have seen that it was an unforgettable journey, as I said before.




An unforgettable traveller plans to visit the interesting place in Shanghai. P, we are taken to the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, a famous tourist attraction. Every LIPSIT of Shanghai is a magnificent building situated in Pudong New Area.

It is the tallest building, so it is easy to see this building, even if you have several times we get it. On the tower of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, we saw a charming river outside the window, including the Huangpu river. I was suddenly moved by the builders, putting their souls and energy on this building.

The landmark of the city is a journey I will never forget..




I realized for the first time that it was nurse's day I held the most unforgettable party of my life for the first time my American teachers' arrangements were so imaginative that the games we created brought me unprecedented pleasure in fact, when we played the first game, I felt that I had been admonished, because iris and I both laughed so deeply, so long, each The way people throw the ball is so funny that we can't help laughing at them as partners. God's guidance provides a valuable opportunity for summer because she once told me that Abraham looked like her first boyfriend. If she saw Abraham's face, she would be very sad.

Finding clues is my favorite game. It seems that the one hour before we met Mr. iklim's bicycle ride to Shanghai, it seems that the one we saw on the way to Shanghai by Mr.

iklim's bicycle was the one hour before we saw him riding a bicycle. It seemed that the one we had to remember was that he was riding a bicycle for the first time We found Mr. Deere and miss Beth.

So we were the last team to arrive, however, we found Mr. Deere, me and iris towards the end of the game. We were really glad we didn't stay any longer.

It's a pity, but we still think it's a valuable experience and we'll never forget what happened that night thank our captain Miss Hannah, nishimia, thank you, Miss Sarah , Miss Tracy, Miss Beth Abraham, Mr. Deere and Mr. Elijah.

Thank you we're not three. We're red dragon one. Come on.


我第一次意识到今天是护士节 我第一次举办了一生中最难忘的聚会 我的美国老师们的安排是如此富有想象力,我们创造的游戏带给了我前所未有的乐趣 事实上,当我们玩第一个游戏的时候,我觉得我已经被劝诫过了,因为艾里斯和我都笑得那么深,那么久,每个人扔球的姿势都是如此有趣,以至于我们忍不住嘲笑他们是搭档,上帝的指引为夏默提供了宝贵的机会,因为她曾经告诉我亚伯拉罕看起来就像她的第一个男朋友。如果她看到亚伯拉罕的脸,她会很难过的。找到线索是我最喜欢的游戏。

我们团队需要遇到的第一个人是伊利亚先生,他站在上海记忆的大门前,在我们去肯德基的路上,他看起来还是那么的有魅力,我认出了艾夫拉哈姆骑的那辆自行车,我刚看到他一小时前骑的是这种自行车,我们的队伍很快就能找到线索,但我们已经花了一段时间找到了迪尔先生和贝丝小姐。因此,我们是最后一支到达的队伍,然而,我们还是在比赛快结束时找到了迪尔先生,我和艾里斯我们真的很高兴我们没有再呆下去很遗憾,但我们仍然认为这是一次宝贵的经历,永远不会忘记那天晚上发生的事 谢谢我们的队长汉娜小姐,尼希米亚谢谢你莎拉小姐,特雷西小姐,贝丝亚伯拉罕小姐,迪尔先生和以利亚先生谢谢你 我们不是3不是我们是1号红龙,加油。


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