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关于”交通环保“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Traffic environmental protection。以下是关于交通环保的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Traffic environmental protection

Our environment is very important to our life. We need fresh air, clean water and so on. In the past, there were many trees around us.

The air was fresh and the rivers were clean. But now, people have cut down many trees. The air pollution is very serious.

The environment around us has become very bad. We should protect our environment first, we should plant A lot of trees to keep water. Second, we can go to school and work by bike or walk.

Third, we shouldn't throw dirty water into the river. Fourth, we shouldn't use plastic bags at last. We can invite more people to join us.

Let's protect our environment and environment.




2:交通环境保护,With the development of modern science and technology, private car is no longer a luxury for ordinary people. More and more people go to work by car instead of by bus. The popularization of private cars has many advantages: first, it is very convenient and time-saving.

You can drive to work by yourself without waiting for the crowded bus. It can also improve the traffic structure and relieve the traffic pressure. Thirdly, the popularization of private cars will help to promote the development of automobile industry and other related industries.

I believe that private cars will become the most important means of transportation in the future We can't live without it.




3:交通环保,Write a short passage according to the picture below. You should: describe the picture, briefly explain its intention, and then put forward countermeasures this is a very interesting cartoon. In this cartoon, two sharks are celebrating that due to global warming, the sea will submerge a nearby island in five minutes.

In the years of human fishing, the sharks are eager to enjoy a big meal of human flesh. Although it is a little exaggerated, the cartoon reveals a serious fact, that is, the rate of sea level rise caused by global warming It's extremely fast, and it's eating up our land, and for that reason, a recent report on our lives supports this view, citing scientists' predictions that island countries like Japan and Indonesia, as well as many islands in the Pacific Ocean, may disappear forever from our map. At present, the greenhouse effect is still out of control.

We are sorry to realize that this threat has not attracted enough attention. The setback faced by the Kyoto protocol is the best example. In my opinion, it is time for the whole world to cooperate to deal with global warming.

Because no government or individual can be free from the harm, a series of underground measures should be urgently implemented to control the emission of carbon dioxide, which has made a great contribution to global warming, which can be attributed to: therefore: adv hausch:v for that Kyoto Protocol: Exemption: adj D owntearth:adj Carbon dioxide: it's a very interesting cartoon, and a recent report supports this view, and we're sorry to find that it's time.





3、在我看来,现在是全世界合作应对全球变暖的时候了,因为没有一个政府或个人可以免于其危害,因此需要紧急实施一系列的地下措施来控制二氧化碳的排放量,而二氧化碳的排放量对全球变暖有着巨大的贡献,这要归功于:因此:adv hausch:v for that matter:温室效应:例证:v京都议定书:豁免:adj downtearth:adj二氧化碳:这是一个非常有趣的漫画,最近的报告也支持了这个观点,我们很遗憾地发现现在是时候了。


标签: 英文 高分 四年级 作文 交通

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