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关于”描写礼貌“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Descriptive politeness。以下是关于描写礼貌的高二英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Descriptive politeness

We can't deny the importance of politeness no matter when, no matter where, under any circumstances. A polite person is usually regarded as a more trustworthy and easygoing person, which helps him to make more friends and get the help he needs from others. People are more willing to respect and cooperate with polite people and bring them a lot of opportunities for change, Politeness helps to reduce the misunderstanding between people and help to establish a harmonious and happy relationship.




Sneezing and spitting are very important to the happy relationship between people. No one likes impolite people. A polite person never laughs at others when he is in trouble.

On the contrary, when he asks for what he says, he will try his best to help. When he receives something he always says thank you, he doesn't interrupt others. When they speak, he doesn't say it aloud in public Talking or laughing loudly when he sneezes or spits, it is impolite for him to be late with a handkerchief as a suture.

If you are late, you should say sorry to the teacher in class or after class.




)When he sneezes, he will not sneeze and sneeze when he is not polite to others when he is not polite to say something to others It's impolite for him to be late with a handkerchief for stitching. If you are late, you should say sorry to the teacher in class or after class.




标签: 高二 英文 作文 真题

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