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关于”介绍早餐的加“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:Introduction to breakfast。以下是关于介绍早餐的加的考研英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduction to breakfast

I eat breakfast every day, because breakfast is very important to my health. At first, I didn't like breakfast, but my mother forced me to eat it every morning. My mother prepared delicious breakfast for me, such as milk, eggs, bread and so on.

I like to eat breakfast. I feel energetic after eating breakfast. Eating delicious nutrition breakfast brings me a happy day.

I hope everyone can support it Become this healthy habit.




I eat breakfast every day, because breakfast is very important to my health. At first, I didn't like breakfast, but my mother forced me to eat it every morning. My mother prepared delicious breakfast for me, such as milk, eggs, bread and so on.

I like to eat breakfast. I feel energetic after eating breakfast. Eating delicious nutrition breakfast brings me a happy day.

I hope everyone can support it Become this healthy habit.




Breakfast every morning, we have to choose breakfast, very troublesome, so the family made a quick plan, today is February 5, Friday, eat bread with relish, but began a math problem in February 4 asked what to eat for breakfast, I think: it may be difficult for me, I learned in Olympiad Mathematics that I count + = (days count again / 7 = 2 (today is Friday, more than week I told my mother what I thought about "eating steamed bread on Saturday". My mother gave her thumbs up: "good boy, it's really good." I ate it and thought: in our life, as long as I am a person with great ambition, I can use mathematical knowledge to solve many problems in life – + = {7 = 2}.




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