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关于”介绍各种食物“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Introduce all kinds of food。以下是关于介绍各种食物的专升本英语模板,每篇作文均为万能模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Introduce all kinds of food

Lollipop chocolate hard candy hard candy hard stuffing candy avoid chewing gum bubble gum filling candy dessert fruit candy fruit candy fruit candy color fruit hard candy milk candy cream candy Voith milk candy toy candy fruit tree gum candy gum jelly cream candy fruit jump candy Voith jelly candy fruit jelly candy fruit jelly candy jelly jelly jelly Fruit series candy fruit jump candy fruit juice candy fruit drop syrup chocolate toffee.




The people's Republic of China officially recognizes ethnic minorities, or is usually translated into ethnic groups. Within China, the Han nationality accounts for the majority (>the rest of the ethnic minorities are ethnic minorities). China's official self description is that China is a single multi-ethnic country, while the Han nationality accounts for the vast majority of China's total population, and the population distribution is extremely unbalanced In addition to the fact that several Chinese belong to the majority of the Han nationality, it also conceals the huge differences in language, culture and race between people in this group http://wwwwartworkcncom/Html/geminzu/Html.




I am a student in our school. I want to talk about the advantages of canteen service in our school. First, our canteen is very clean.

Second, the food is delicious. Third, the service attitude is very good. But there are also some disadvantages, such as high price and few varieties.

In my opinion, we can invite our students to participate in the canteen to provide help. We can let us learn I hope more and more students will like our canteen service.




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