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关于”我对富二代的看法“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:My view of the rich second generation。以下是关于我对富二代的看法的初三英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:My view of the rich second generation

Since the end of last century, China's rapid economic development has brought some opportunities to some people to help them make a lot of money when their children are born. They are called the second generation of rich people. The public always see some negative news about these rich people.

Their labels look young and reckless, but it is not the case. We must realize that those rich second generation in news reports are negative images. The rich only account for a small part of them.

Most of them are still struggling in the rich class. These negative images can help ease their jealousy. Negative news is always tolerant It is easy to attract the public's attention and arouse their discussion.

This is the value of news report. Let's take a look at the real rich second generation. They are born in rich families and will surely win the hearts of most children.

But they know that they have to learn. In order to compete with other excellent people, they have good resources and they can use them, which helps them to be proficient and knowledgeable, This is true about these rich children, as ordinary children, we have no reason to give up learning.




With the prosperity brought about by profound social changes, many problems have appeared. Whether young people should have family wealth is a very significant problem. From the perspective of the income gap of a generation, we live in an era of "the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer".

This is a very obvious problem. There is an old saying in China, "the children of low-income families will grow faster", which means that the children of low-income families have better ability to solve problems in adulthood, but is this really true? Recently, I read a lot of news about the rich second generation. They are mostly negative.

They don't have to worry about luxury cars, houses, etc. their personalities are always criticized by the public. Sometimes they just think about themselves and forget the feelings of others, including their parents.

I have never seen them show selfish behavior, sometimes they are vanity and waves However, they think that they can compare their own way of thinking. Some rich young people are more serious about life. They also feel pressure when they think.

I believe that children who grow up in families without wealth are used to experiencing repeatedly in their early life, in childhood and early adulthood, when their parents refuse their demands, they are hard to obtain Successful career, they may be much more difficult, because they are trained into a strong mind and many beautiful virtues, they are more likely to be loved or accepted by the public as far as I know, personal wealth is not measured by what your parents give you, but by personal ability and virtue.


伴随着深刻的社会变革带来的繁荣,很多问题都出现了,年轻人是否应该拥有家庭财富是一个非常显著的问题。从一代人的收入差距来看,我们生活在一个“富人越来越富,穷人越来越穷”的时代,这是一个很明显的问题,中国有句老话,“低收入家庭的孩子会成长得更快”,这意味着低收入家庭的孩子在成年后有更好的解决问题的能力,但这真的是真的吗?最近我读了很多关于富裕的第二代的新闻,他们大多数情况下都是消极的,他们不必担心豪华车,房子等等,他们的性格总是受到公众的批评,有时他们只想着自己,忘记了别人的感受,包括他们的父母我从来没有见过他们表现出自私的行为,有时他们是虚荣和浪费,但他们认为自己可以对自己的思维方式做对比,一些富有的年轻人对生活更认真,他们在思考的同时也感受到了压力,我相信在没有财富的家庭中长大的孩子,在他们的早期生活中,在童年和成年早期,他们习惯于反复经历父母拒绝他们的要求,他们很难获得成功的事业,他们可能要困难得多,因为他们被培养成一个坚强的头脑和许多美丽的美德,他们更有可能被公众所爱或接受 据我所知,个人财富不是以你父母给你什么来衡量的,而是以个人能力和个人美德来衡量的。


Up to now, the controversial second generation of the rich has triggered some landmark events, leading to the topic (there are still many car crashes). Then, according to the dialectical view of the current society towards the rich second generation (in short, everything has two sides: too much wealth or too much achievement), this paper explains that the concept of the rich second generation is generally dissatisfied with his opinions, that is, how to reason, is the rich second generation The bias of group amplification effect or the correct understanding of seeking truth from facts.




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