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关于”寄宿家庭的情况“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Situation of host families。以下是关于寄宿家庭的情况的xx年级英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Situation of host families

Female, I want to go to school in January, learn more knowledge, know more about the world, learn English well and exercise myself. I like playing the piano, singing, taekwondo, basketball, football, tennis, COSPLAY. Taekwondo has red belts.

The piano was in the 10th grade and won the first place in Taekwondo competition and piano performance. In the city, I am sincere and live with love, freedom and full play, Before boarding school, such self-care ability also had shortcomings, so I was a bit lazy occasionally. I had traveled to Japan, Singapore, Indonesia and other places in winter and summer vacation.

I sold newspapers and leaflets to earn money. I was not a picky eater. I was allergic to mango.




Dear sir, I heard that our school will welcome some Canadian students to stay here for two weeks. Students who want to invite them can attend. I want to have a try first.

My parents and I can speak fluent English so that we can communicate with each other. Our house is big enough for him or her to continue to live. I live near Huangpu River.

I can see the beautiful scenery of Shanghai in my home. He or she will enjoy Chinese culture. My grandparents are good at calligraphy, and my grandmother has good Chinese painting skills.

I miss me Our friendship will give him an interesting and comfortable experience. Thank you for reading in your busy work. I hope you can agree with me.

Your sincerity, Li Hong.




My name is Jenny. I became a host family in America. When I first met my host mother, Mary, she gave me a big hug.

I was really shocked because I had never been hugged before. I didn't know how to respond when I left the United States. I began to enjoy hugs and shake hands with others was also a challenge My homestay father, Peter, looked me in the eye and held my hand tightly ‰ Mary and Peter both wanted me to address them by their names, because they, as Americans, like the informality of only using names, we feel more friendly to each other, host hugs shock response challenge frankness firmness informality.


在美国的寄宿家庭我的名字叫珍妮,我在美国做了一个寄宿家庭,当我第一次见到我的寄宿妈妈,玛丽,她给了我一个大大的拥抱,我真的很震惊,因为我以前从来没有被拥抱过,我也不知道当我离开美国时,该如何回应,我开始享受拥抱,与人握手也是一种挑战我的寄宿家庭父亲彼得直视着我的眼睛,紧紧地握着我的手‰玛丽和彼得都希望我称呼他们的名字,因为他们作为美国人,喜欢只使用名字的非正式性,我们对彼此感觉更友好主人 拥抱 震惊 回应 挑战 直率 挤压 坚定 非正式。


标签: 英文 七年级 作文 真题 家庭

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